New York Modular Society is ready to release the hounds of hell during the October Patchable challenges. This month we cast spells and chant dark incantations to call forth shadows and demons.
For this patchable you must create one sound that represents the zombies. Then build a track around the zombie sound that invokes the sensation of dread and doom from a zombie apocalypse.
You are not restricted from using other gear, but modular synths must be used. Employ the dark art of sonic manipulation to strike fear into the minds of listeners.
- Create an original piece of music following the above challenge.
- Include the suffix PATCHABLE-0004 in the track title. A completed track title would look like this: Spiral Vortex PATCHABLE-0004.
- Upload your track to soundcloud by end of day, Monday October 14th.
- Include a link to your track and patch notes in the comments below.
Patch notes:
0-Coast > Analog delay pedal > Reverb pedal [heartbeat]
Plaits speech synth (modulated by MATHS) > Echophon (pitch modulated by MATHS) [the zombies]
Dixie sub wave > Fuzz Factory (modulated by MATHS) [bassline]
Sequenced by Eloquencer
god damn that vocal is disgusting! Amazing work.
Thanks! It’s flirting dangerously with zombie whale territory, but I went with it
This is mainly done using woggle bug, STO and mod-demix. More patch notes to follow.
I’m not really into the horror and zombie genre of film and television so I did my best to strike fear into the listener with audible visions of armies of undead demons marching down your streets and the panic you have in your head as you witness the horror in front of you.
Patch notes:
Dfam going through Mimeophon, CV from X and Y channels of Rene2 were modulation noise level and and FM amount on DFAM respectively. C Channel CV out was modulating mix amount on Mimeophon. Repeats on the Mimeophon was being modulated by the clocked digital LFO from the SV1 and Flip was being clocked by the /4 of the clock divider.
The first two channels of Rene2 were being clocked by the end of rise and end of cycle triggers of channels 1 and 4 of Maths.
I had a drone coming from one of the oscillators on the Pittsburgh SV2 going through its filter and straight to a Mutable Clouds clone. Pitch CV for the oscillator was coming from the channel 1 of Maths (triggered by the /3 of a clock divider) but the CV was put though channel 2 of Maths to lessen its range.
The filter for the Pittsburgh drone was being modulated and mangled by some crazy ass thing I had going with with a Make Noise Teleplexer. It involved modulation from multiple sources plus noise that was getting all messed up going to the the filter cutoff CV.
Freeze on the Clouds clone was being triggered /2 from the clock divider, Density is being modulated by the clocked digital LFO on the SV1.
The idea behind this track is a little different than what was requested. I had the thought of making a track that illustrated someone just minding their business, in a house somewhere, being attacked, and turned into a zombie.
The track changes tone a few times, as the “attack” happens, and the “turn” happens, getting more and more intense. I hope I made it obvious enough. The “Zombie” noise is meant to change from a singular zombie sound, to a “horde”, which is why it changes so much.
Patch notes:
The “Zombie” noise: Spectrum Pulse with the pulse width fed from the PGH Envelope, and FM is modulated by a strummed Rings on the odd out. The pulse width is adjusted to make the zombie noise go from singular to horde.
The percussion is an unfiltered BOOMTSCHAK. This is to mimic a door being pounded on.
Low end / additional zombie sound is SARA as a sound source, out to Streams, to sidechain the compression from the percussion. Streams is set to compressor mode.
Light hearted / pre-bitten person sound is Cloud Terrarium (both outs) fed to a Jove, with Arpitecht controlling the 1v/O. The Jove is CV controlled (and the CV modulation knobs are adjusted) from 2 separate envelopes. CV1 is controlled from the PGH Envelope, and CV2 is controlled by an EON.
All time / clock is internal, from a Pamela’s Work out.
The entire track is done with modular.
The sound I started with was trying to make the sound of sticks and stuff breaking in the woods, like someone is following you.
The live eurorack modular synth jam is for New York Modular Society’s Patchable 0020. This particular one is for the 0004 challenge, Zombie. My main zombie sound is coming from an Instruo CS-L into an Optomix and modulated by an Intellijel Quadrax in Burst mode on either left or right. A Make Noise Maths is controlling the frequency of the burst triggers, and the other side of Maths is controlling the pitch of the oscillator. The second Zombie sound is the pulse width modulation output of the CS-L going to a QPAS filter being modulated by 0-ctrl, Wogglebug, and Sapel. Drums are coming from a Basimilus Iteritas Alter. The final ambient sounds are a Serge NTO into Echophon and Erbeverb being controlled by a Stillson Hammer.
The goal of my piece was to give the impression of Zombies marching over a town and destroying everything, leaving only the ambient voice behind. Enjoy!