Patchable 0017


Drum machines are technological paragons of rhythmic production and exploration.  While it is easy to credit the beautiful design behind the beat boxes we adore, the real genius lies in the application by artists.  Abstracting the idea of the drum machine further and placing focus on the artist is what this Patchable is all about.


For this Patchable we challenge you to create your own drum machine using modular components.  Create each drum voice using any modules that are not drum modules. Using this drum machine make a song that is percussion based. You are free to use any modules except the following:

  • No drum modules
  • No samplers
  • No voice modules which require a trig input to emit sound – VCOs with a trig in are permitted, so long as the trig is not used

Other things to note:

  • no sampled drum loops or sounds
  • Using a delay, looper or sampler to effect your drum voices in real time, is allowed.
  • Using a single cycle waveform to create a VCO from a sample is allowed.



  1. Create an original piece of music. It does not have to be a complete track. Ideas are welcome.
  2. Include the suffix PATCHABLE-0017 in the track title.  A completed track title would look like this: Spiral Vortex PATCHABLE-0017
  3. Upload your track to soundcloud by end of day, August 31st.
  4. Include a link to your track and patch notes in the comments below.

Patchable Performers

This month’s Patchable Performers, on Aug 27th, is based on this Patchable. The live show will incorporate a twist on the concept. If you wish to perform this Patchable, live, on the show, please message @saddleuptherobots, or @VCLoki on discord for information. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you’re interested in performing the patchable live, do NOT post a recording to the site, until after the show. We want the performances to be a surprise.

Patchable 0017 – RE:DRUM MACHINE by DYSONANT, video by Photonbath

7 thoughts on “Patchable 0017”


    Late Night MURD:ER
    Patch Notes:
    – Kick Drum: Mix of 3 Waveforms from Klavis Twin Waves, a bitcrushed sine wave, sub-octave square wave and BP’d noise. Pitch envelope from XAOC Zadar, Volume envelope from WMD Javelin. Filtered by XAOC Belgrad in LP+BP mode. Modulation by DivKid Ochd and SSF/DivKid RND STEP in various points.
    – Hi-Hat: FX Aid in radio mode, noise parameter modulated by Ochd; volume envelope from Maths with Decay time modulated by RND STEP
    – “Horn” sound: Klavis Twin Waves in Ring Mod mode. Filtered by Pittsburgh Modular DIF in Filter mode. AD-like envelope from XAOC Zadar.
    – Effects: On kick / hi-hats – FX Aid in Reverb Chorale mode, wovel parameter modulated by Ochd. On the horn sound 4ms DLD with different time divisions for L / R delays. Master filter sweep from WMD Overseer, Master bus compressed by WMD MSCL.

    All sounds from Make Noise Shared System

    Patch Notes:

    Kick Drum DPO:

    • DPO VCO B square wave to Optomix channel one.
    • Tempi channel one to Rene X clock.
    • Rene X gate pattern out to Maths channel four.
    • Maths channel 4 envelope striking Optomix channel one.

    Weird Laser Hi Hats (tried to make hats but ended more like laser toms) Wogglebug:

    • Wogglebug ring-mod out to Maths channel three for some attenuation.
    • Maths channel three out to ModDemix channel one.
    • ModDemix channel one out to Optomix channel two.
    • Tempi channel 2 to Maths channel one
    • Maths channel 1 envelope striking Optomix channel two.

    Toms QPas (did I cheat here? maybe):

    • Tempi channel 3 to QPas left input
    • Tempi channel 4 to QPas left radiate input
    • Rene X gate to QPas right radiate input
    • Tempi channel 5 to QPas left/right !!¡¡ input
    • QPas HP left out to QPas Freq1 input
    • Woggle CV out to QPas Q CV input

    Melodic sound Mimeophon:

    • QPas bandpass out to Mimeophon Left in
    • Mimeophon is set to Karplus Strong mode.
    • Maths SUM out Mimeophon Repeats input
    • Tempi channel 5 to Mimeophon clock input
    • Wogglebug Smooth out to Mimeophon Halo input.
    • Wogglebug Stepped random out to Mimeophon Color imput
    • Rene C cv out to Mimeophon rate input.
    • Rene Y cv out to Mimeophon micro rate input
    • Wogglebug Burst out to Mimeophon Flip input

    Tempi channels 1-5 in shuffling clock mode.


    This is really a break down of the audio path.

    Kick = 
    Instruo Trokia VCO 2 slight frequency modulation by VCO 1 >
    Schlappi Engineering 100 Grit LPF > 
    Instruo Vinca VCA > Output

    Snare = 
    Schlappi Engineering Interstellar Radio >
    Zlob Modular TH SVF >
    Instruo Vinca VCA > Output

    Hi Hat = 
    WMD/SSF DPLR feedback >
    Mutable Instruments Rings frequency modulated by pink noise > 
    Instruo Vinca VCA > Output

    Boing = 
    SSF Zero Point Oscillator frequency modulated by Troika VCO 3 >
    Makenoise LxD > 
    Makenoise QPAS >
    Makenoise Mimeophon > Output

    Wet Robot Wood Block = 
    Instruo arbhar as wavetable VCO >
    Mannequins Three Sisters Center In/Out Formant mode > 
    Instruo Vinca VCA > Output

    Using tons of envelopes, a lot of sample & hold and some LFOs.


    Voice 1 (bass drum): Low pitch sin VCO amplified by a fast envelope modulating Lin FM on STO, through North Coast Coiler VCF with a slower envelope and an even slower envelope on the last VCA. Through Pico DSP mono delay and (sometimes aux Mimeophon too). Triggered by Out 1 from a White Gallop, with CV from Voltage Block.

    Voice 2 (hi hat): Blue noise from Dystopia. Filter and VCA receiving same envelope. Triggered by Out 2 on White Gallop. Pico DSP mono delay.

    Voice 3 (snare): Bitcrush from Dystopia. Triggered by Muxlicer in ratchet mode (sequencer slide pots determine multiple gates per beat, which can be attenuated globally). Gates 3 and 7 add accents to the Dystopia cv in. Maths envelope receiving cv on fall from tilt Y on WiiChuck for WILD CRUNCHES. Pico DSP mono delay.

    Voice 4 (wailing metal chimes). Hi pitch sin VCO FMing uPlaits in waveshaping mode with low waveform, low folder and high asymmetry. CV from Voltage Block. Gates from a Non Linear Circuits Divine CMOS (XOR clocked between X4 and /2). The /4 output triggers the FM envelope, while the sum output triggers the audio envelope on Maths, which is also receiving cv on fall from Wiichuck Tilt X. Through Mimeophon, orange zone, which is clocked and modulated on color (half bright full positive attenuator) and rate at 10 o’clock with 3 pm attenuation and skew.

    Voice 5 (zap gun): IO Instruments Euporie VCF self resonating, receiving the same audio as the bass drum FM source into CV one and the same envelope from the Tilt X modulated Maths into CV2. Sweeping the cutoff to launch intergalactic civil war. Pico DSP mono delay.


    My first patchable!
    Voice 1: Pittsburgh Primary Oscillator Blade Wave modulated by Fragments Wave goes into Doepfer SEM filter, with cv modulation from Release of Erica Envelope Expander, then enveloped by Pamela’s New Workout along with brown noise from Zlob Entropy 2.

    Voice 2: Droney bass pluck is Fragments again with an offset envelope from Pam’s.

    Voice 3: Second percussive hit is white noise from Entropy 2 enveloped by Pam’s with some Euclidean/delay settings.

    First three voices are running through a distortion and delay pedal (sample and hold delay, but not a sample).

    Voice 4: Wiggly part is from the Moog Werkstatt with LFO rate from Pam’s and filter modulation from Release used above. A garbled sine wave from Pam’s goes into its VCA.


    I wanted to make something in a non-standard time signature, so this is in 7, and I used a looper pedal to create a feeling of shifting around, like a drummer would do playing in 7 while drunk.

    Patch notes:
    Stream 1:
    Kick drum made from an Instruo CS-L using the triangle wave output. Maths is creating the envelope for both pitch and time, but pitch is attenuated by a Tangle Quartet. Output to Tangle Quartet.
    Stream 2:
    Wood block/hi hat is blue noise from a Frap Tools Sapèl to a QPAS filter using the high pass output to an Optomix.
    Stream 3:
    Periodic metallic hits from Instruo CS-L final output to Random Source Serge VQVCF to Optomix to Erbeverb. 
    Stream 4:
    Moog Grandmother percussion with tempo controlled by Tempi. Heavy pulse width modulation to create constant variation of pitched pulses.

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